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To pick up dog poop or not?

Should you pick up dog poop or not?

The dog poop policy, which has been in effect since February 2011, is a response to numerous complaints from residents in various municipalities. This policy includes specific laws and regulations established by municipalities to address the issue of dog poop. If you want to know how it's regulated in your municipality, we recommend checking the website of your specific municipality for the exact laws and regulations.

Picking up dog poop is an important responsibility of dog owners and has several reasons. Firstly, dog poop is a common annoyance for many people, both within and outside urban areas. It can spread unpleasant odors and create dirty situations for pedestrians, playing children, and other dogs.

Within urban areas, many municipalities have cleanup obligations for dog owners. This means that dog owners are required to clean up their dog's poop, often using a poop bag. By doing this, they keep the environment clean and prevent inconvenience for others. A healthy dog poop should be firm, brown, and well-formed and not too soft or too hard; if it's too soft, you might consider using Zoolac to restore the intestinal flora.

Outside urban areas, the cleanup obligation varies by municipality. In some areas, it's not mandatory to pick up dog poop. Despite these differences, it's always a good idea for responsible dog owners to clean up dog poop, regardless of where they are. By doing this, you help keep the natural environment clean and prevent disruption to flora and fauna.

The millions of droppings produced daily by dogs can have an impact on nature. If dog poop is not cleaned up and remains in natural areas, it can lead to an excessive supply of nutrients, such as nitrogen, which disrupts the natural balance. Some plants that thrive on nitrogen-rich soil can take over, displacing other plants and animals.

To minimize this impact, it's important for dog owners to take responsibility and clean up dog poop, especially in vulnerable natural areas. If there's no specific cleanup requirement outside urban areas, it's still a respectful gesture to clean up dog poop and deposit it in the designated trash bin. In this way, we all contribute to maintaining a clean and healthy living environment for humans and nature.

For example, in many municipalities, dog owners are required to carry cleanup materials, such as poop bags, while walking within urban areas. It's also generally mandatory to clean up dog poop within urban areas unless otherwise indicated. Ignoring these rules risks a fine.


Outside built-up areas, there generally isn't often an obligation to clean up dog poop, but this can vary by municipality. It's always wise for responsible dog owners to keep the environment clean and pick up dog poop, regardless of specific regulations. This way, we all contribute to a clean and pleasant environment for everyone.

Also, be aware when your dog sniffs at other dogs' feces, certain pathogens such as Giardia can be spread through contact with other dogs' feces. This is also the case with bacteria, viruses, and other unpleasant parasites. Does your dog have symptoms that could be linked to Giardia? Then easily check if Giardia is present.

What are the rules about whether your dog is allowed to run loose or not?


In addition to the dog poop policy, there are also laws and regulations regarding the off-leash walking of your dog. In most municipalities, it is mandatory to keep your dog on a leash within built-up areas, unless otherwise indicated, for example, in special off-leash areas. This is to ensure that dogs remain under control and do not cause nuisance to other people or animals in busy urban areas.

Outside built-up areas, there generally isn't often an obligation to keep your dog on a leash, except in places where this is otherwise indicated, such as in nature reserves or specific areas where the rules require it. In these areas, keeping your dog on a leash may be necessary to protect the local flora and fauna, avoid disturbing other animals, or prevent disruption of the natural environment.

If you choose to let your dog run loose, it's important to have good control over your dog. This means that your dog should obey your commands well, and you should be able to control and hold onto your dog when necessary. Letting your dog run loose carries responsibility because as a dog owner, you are liable for any damage your dog may cause to others.

It's always wise for dog owners to consider the environment and other people and animals. If you're unsure whether you're allowed to let your dog off-leash in a certain location, it's advisable to check the local rules and make sure your dog is well-trained and behaves socially in different situations. This way, you and your dog can enjoy a pleasant walk without bothering others.