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What are red mites and how can you effectively combat them? (7)

Almost every bird and/or poultry keeper has had to deal with it: red mites. During the day the red mites are almost invisible and hide in the cracks and holes of the coop, but at night they come out to harass the chickens and birds. In order to treat mite
Finecto+ Solution 500 ML
Finecto+ Protect 1000 ml - Red Mite
Finecto+ Oral 300 gram
Finecto+ Horse 600 grams - supplementary animal feed
Finendo+ Tricho 500 ml
Finecto Red mite test
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What are red mites and how can you effectively combat them?

Almost every bird and/or poultry keeper has had to deal with it: red mites. During the day the red mites are almost invisible and hide in the cracks and holes of the coop, but at night they come out to harass the chickens and birds. In order to treat mite properly, it is important to know exactly how the mite behaves.

What is a red mite?

The red mite is a parasite, because the small animal lives at the expense of the host. During the day you hardly see red mites, as they hide in the cracks and corners of the coop. Once every about eight days, the mite will emerge from its perch and suck the host's blood. Red mites live in groups and never alone, which means that the chickens are infested by several red mites. Is the belly full? Then the blood lice return to their place and lay eggs there. When you will not react to the situation in time, anemia of the anemia is lurking. Fight the red mite immediately if you suspect it!

Life cycle red mite

The total population of red mite in a chicken coop or aviary consists of different 'generations', just like in humans. Each generation of mite has a different behavior. In the graph you can see which generation groups there are in a mite population and in what percentage they are present. Red mites only start sucking blood when they are deutonimph (phase of development into an adult red mite) and adult louse. This means that 55% of the red mites are in the pen and do not yet go to the chicken or bird to suck blood (eggs, larvae and protonimphs). 45% of the population (Deutonymphs and adult lice) will suck blood from the chicken or bird once every six days.

Finecto+ is effective as a remedy against red mites, direct contact is necessary.

In addition to Finecto+, you will also find various supplements at Zoolac.nl to apply via drinking water with an effective effect against red mites.

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