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Zoolac (13)

Zoolac Propaste 15ml - Optimal Gut Flora
Zoolac Propaste 32ml - Optimal Gut Flora
Zoolac Multipaste 15ml - Quick Stop
Zoolac Propaste 60ml - Optimal Gut Flora
Zoolac PROBIRD 200 g
Zoolac Multipaste 32ml - Quick Stop
Zoolac Optipaste 15ml - Gas buildup / bloating
Zoolac Multipaste 60 ml - Quick stop
Zoolac Optipaste 60ml - Gas buildup / bloating
Zoolac Optipaste 32ml - Gas buildup / bloating
Zoolac Bovimix 10 Kg
Zoolac PROBIRD 1 Kg
Zoolac + 1 Kg
Showing 1 - 13 of 13


Zoolac - Probiotics

Zoolac is a supplement in paste form containing a high concentration of probiotics. The purpose of using Zoolac is to build and maintain the natural balance of the bacterial flora in the gastrointestinal tract of (pet) animals. It stabilizes digestion and balances the bacterial gut flora by utilizing naturally occurring bacteria and the animal's own immune system. Zoolac is a natural-based product. Therefore, it cannot be overdosed.

Functioning - Zoolac ProPaste

The unique composition of Zoolac ProPaste ensures that harmful bacteria cannot damage the intestinal wall, while the good bacteria address the harmful bacteria. This is a natural response that limits the growth of harmful bacteria. The efficacy of Zoolac ProPaste prevents harmful bacteria from developing resistance, which is often the case with antibiotic treatments.

Zoolac has various applications:

  • Preventive in stress situations (e.g., change of environment or change of food).
  • Curative in cases such as an outbreak of acute diarrhea, due to its rapid action (usually within a few hours).
  • Supportive after treatment with oral antibiotics where the balance of the intestinal flora is disturbed. Other medications against Giardia can also disrupt the intestinal flora balance. Use Zoolac to restore balance in the intestinal flora.
  • In newborn animals with a sterile intestine, to establish a healthy natural bacterial intestinal flora (especially in environments with high infection pressure).

The dosage is 2-3 times daily (usually every 6-8 hours). For acute diarrhea, administer a double dosage once and then follow the prescribed table (with double dosage, diarrhea often stops within a few hours).


   0-10 kg
1 ml
 10-25 kg
2 ml
 25-50 kg
3 ml
   50+ kg
5 ml

For birds, the dosage is the size of the beak.


  • Some properties of Zoolac ProPaste:Zoolac 15 en 32 en 60ML
  • Natural control of diarrhea
  • Also works preventively
  • Works fast
  • Works for all animal species
  • Easy to dose, animals love it Cannot be overdosed
  • Combination with antibiotics is possible
  • Can, for example, be mixed with milk/feed for easier intake
  • Most common products only stop the diarrhea. Zoolac not only stops the diarrhea but also solves the problem by addressing the source, the gut flora.

If your dog or cat is suffering from diarrhea caused by dysbacteriosis, Zoolac ProPaste resolves the diarrhea in 9 out of 10 cases within 48 hours (often within 24 hours). Is your dog or cat experiencing diarrhea? Then Zoolac ProPaste offers the solution. Contact us for more information. Zoolac ProPaste can also be used for other animal groups such as rabbits, horses, rodents, or other pets. If your rabbit has diarrhea, a dosage of 0.5 ml per dose (twice daily) is sufficient.

Content per ml:

4.2 billion bacteria including:

Live bacterial strains 2.85x10^9 (2.85 billion)

Thermo-stabilized bacterial strains 1.35x10^9 (1.35 billion)


Zoolac Propaste brochure NL

Zoolac MultipasteZoolac Multipaste

ZooLac® MULTI PASTE is a new paste with the addition of clay mineral and yeast cell wall fragments for stabilizing digestion and balancing the microbiome in the intestinal tract.

It was developed at the request of veterinarians as an alternative to Zoolac ProPaste in exceptional situations and especially for curative use. Zoolac MULTI PASTE is recommended for thin or watery stools to achieve even faster results. Additionally, it is advised when toxins are present in the intestinal flora.

ZooLac® MULTI PASTE contains vinasse, the clay mineral zeolite (clinoptilolite), and yeast cell wall fragments that bind harmful bacteria, toxins, and moisture in the intestines. ZooLac® MULTI PASTE is used for consistent intestinal content.

ZooLac® MULTI PASTE can be used for all animal species.

ZooLac® MULTI PASTE is very palatable and therefore easy to dose; animals love it.

You can easily order Zoolac Multipaste through our online shop.


Zoolac Multipaste brochure NL

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